Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Another good one gone!

After fifty-one years of serving delicious food, Joey's Pancake House in Maggie Valley, NC closed its doors.  Its last day of business was June 13, 2017.  The owner, and widow of the founder, is seventy, suffering from health problems, and cannot do the work anymore.  In addition, she has had problems keeping the restaurant fully staffed.

 Joey's was an iconic landmark in Maggie Valley, and it was always full of hungry people, with many more waiting outside.

Farewell Joey's - we will miss you.







  1. I was wanting to try them out! I guess I waited too long :(


  2. Coincidentally, the last day at Joey's was three days after the last day at the Pizza Italian in Jacksonville. Must have been something in the air!

    1. All good things must come to an end, unfortunately. Hopefully some new good places will open up soon. They can never "replace" them, but maybe help create new good memories.


  3. Good news. Joey's has been sold, and will reopen around Memorial Day. The new owner is a restaurant owner from Kentucky who's been coming to Maggie Valley for years and wants to the the business continue.

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